Table of contents
- Introduction
- Python Language Fundamentals (Days 2-4)
- Object-Oriented Programming with Python (Days 5-8)
- Python Libraries and Frameworks (Days 9-12)
- Python for Data Science (Days 13-16)
- Advanced Python Concepts (Days 17-19)
- Becoming a Professional Python Developer (Day 20-21)
- Conclusion
Are you one of those who think that they can become a coding pro in 21 days? Well, let me burst your bubble. There is no magic pill that can turn you into a job-ready Python coder from scratch in such a short time. It takes substantial effort and dedication to become a coding expert. But don't worry!
We have got you covered with a comprehensive roadmap that will help you learn Python in 21 days (about 3 weeks). This roadmap to learning Python is just what you want. In this section, we will cover the basics of Python language, such as the features, applications, installation, and creating your first basic Python program. We will also explore some integrated development environments (IDEs) to help you kickstart your Python coding. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of Python programming with us!

The best way to learn Python programming language.
- Day 1: Get introduced to Python and learn how to create basic Python programs, explore Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for coding.
- Days 2-4: Gain insights into Python language fundamentals like data types, variables, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions and modules, and file handling.
- Days 5-8: Learn about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, including how to create classes and objects, inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstract classes.
- Days 9-12: Explore popular Python libraries and frameworks, including frameworks for web development, scientific analysis, and machine learning.
- Days 13-16: Dive into Data Science concepts and techniques, including data cleaning, preprocessing, feature engineering, data visualization, and machine learning models.
- Days 17-19: Learn advanced Python concepts such as decorators, generators, context managers, multithreading, multiprocessing, and networking.
- Days 20-21: Learn best practices and coding standards in Python, testing and debugging techniques, package management, version control, deploying Python applications, and continuous integration and deployment.
Python Language Fundamentals (Days 2-4)
Python Language Fundamentals (Days 2-4) Okay, now that we have covered the basics of Python, let's dive into the fundamentals of the language. This is where things start to get interesting, and you begin to see the true power of Python. The next few days will be spent understanding the core concepts of programming like data types and variables, operators and expressions, looping and conditional statements, functions and modules, and file handling. Data types and variables are the building blocks of any language and Python is no exception.
Variables are used to store data of different data types like numbers, strings, and lists. Understanding data types is important as it allows you to manipulate data and perform operations on it. Operators and expressions are used to perform various computations and comparisons in Python. They are used to perform arithmetic, logical and bitwise operations. Looping and conditional statements are a way to execute a block of code multiple times or conditionally. Using loops reduces the amount of repetitive code you need to write.
Functions and modules are used to organize your code and make it more reusable. Functions allow you to reuse a block of code by calling it multiple times, and modules allow you to structure your code for efficient development. File handling allows you to read from and write files stored on your computer. Understanding how to read and write files is essential for working with data and real-world projects. These are just some of the fundamental concepts you will learn in the next few days.
Remember, the key to mastering Python is sustained effort over time, not a magic pill that can transform you into a pro-coder in 21 days. Keep practicing and taking little steps every day. This is the first step to the best way to master Python and before you realize it, you'll be a Python professional in no time!
Object-Oriented Programming with Python (Days 5-8)
Object-Oriented Programming with Python (Days 5-8) Congratulations on making it to the next stage of our 21-day Python journey! This next phase involves learning Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Python is hailed as an OOP powerhouse and has several resources and libraries that make it effortless for programmers to build robust, maintainable, and easily scalable software systems. OOP in Python is about creating reusable code that is easy to extend and modify.
Some key concepts we will cover in this section include classes and objects, inheritance and polymorphism, encapsulation and abstraction, working with exceptions, and decorators and generators. You'll learn how to create classes that contain attributes and methods, creating objects from these classes, and working with access modifiers. The concept of inheritance will provide insight into creating new classes that can inherit attributes and methods from existing classes.
Our instructors will introduce you to encapsulating these classes and objects to protect data from external interference, abstraction to simplify complex models, and exception handling to treat errors that may occur. Finally, we’ll touch on decorators and generators, which are essential programming tools that help in the creation of efficient and reusable software. Now that you have a general idea of what to expect in this section, roll up your shirt sleeves, code editors, and start implementing! This will help you to learn Python Programming.
Python Libraries and Frameworks (Days 9-12)
Python Libraries and Frameworks (Days 9-12): After mastering the fundamentals of Python, it's time to move on to the fun part - libraries and frameworks! And boy, does Python have a ton of them. From data analysis to web development, there's a library or framework for just about everything. Let's start with NumPy, the go-to library for scientific computing with Python. It provides powerful data structures, mathematical functions, and much more.
Next up, we have Pandas, which is the ultimate tool for data manipulation and analysis. With Pandas, you can easily clean, filter, and aggregate data. For data visualization, look no further than Matplotlib. This library allows you to create stunning charts and graphs with just a few lines of code. Moving on to web development, we have Django and Flask.
These two frameworks are extremely popular for building web applications with Python. Django is more opinionated and comes with a lot of batteries included, while Flask is a micro framework that gives you more flexibility. In just a few days, you'll be able to use these libraries and frameworks to build some pretty impressive stuff.
Python for Data Science (Days 13-16)
Python for Data Science (Days 13-16): Ready to start working with real-world data? These four days are all about using Python for data analysis and visualization. You’ll learn how to import and manipulate data with Pandas and Numpy, visualize data with Matplotlib, and get an introduction to machine learning concepts such as regression and classification models.
Data analysis with Python involves filtering, cleaning, and transforming data to uncover hidden insights. Pandas provides a powerful toolkit for working with data by allowing you to handle large datasets with ease. With Numpy, you can perform mathematical operations on arrays, which come in handy for performing complex calculations.
Data visualization with Python is all about creating clear and meaningful visualizations. With Matplotlib, you can create line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, and more. You’ll learn how to use Matplotlib to create beautiful visualizations that effectively communicate complex data. Introduction to Machine Learning covers the basic concepts and techniques used in machine learning algorithms, allowing you to make predictions and decisions based on data.
Regression models are used to predict a continuous value while classification models are used to predict categorical values. Overall, Python's libraries and frameworks make it the go-to language for data science, thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, and robustness.
Advanced Python Concepts (Days 17-19)
Advanced Python Concepts (Days 17-19) Now that you've covered the fundamentals of Python, it's time to delve into some advanced concepts. Multithreading and multiprocessing allow your programs to perform multiple tasks concurrently, which boosts performance significantly. Networking and sockets programming come in handy when building applications that communicate over networks.
Regular expressions are powerful tools for matching patterns in strings. Python web scraping enables you to extract data from websites and export it to various formats, and working with databases comes in handy when working with large datasets. While not necessarily easy to master, these concepts are essential for becoming a well-rounded Python developer.
Understanding how to utilize these tools effectively can help save time, reduce errors, and ultimately make your code more efficient. The Three Days spent studying these topics will give you a solid foundation that will help you tackle advanced Python projects with confidence.
Becoming a Professional Python Developer (Day 20-21)
Becoming a Professional Python Developer (Day 20-21): Congratulations! You have come a long way in your journey of learning Python. Now it's time to turn your attention to the practical aspects of becoming a professional Python developer. To establish yourself as a well-rounded developer, focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and highlights your achievements.
Networking is also an essential component of landing your dream job, so take the time to make valuable connections in the tech industry. Preparing for job interviews can be a daunting task, but with practice and dedication, you'll be able to present yourself as a knowledgeable and capable candidate. Finally, it's crucial to continue learning and growing as a developer.
With Python, there is always something new to learn, so make sure that you invest time in lifelong learning and staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Good luck on your journey to becoming a Python professional!
Meanwhile, keySkillset is a platform that offers courses on Python Basics and Python Intermediate. To join the course, you can sign up here.
Becoming a professional Python developer in 21 days is a daunting task, but not impossible. The key to success lies in sustained progress, motivation, and commitment over months and years. Learning Python fundamentals, object-oriented programming, libraries, data science, and advanced concepts, coupled with building a portfolio, networking, and continuing education will put you on the path to success. Remember, there is no magic pill or snake oil that guarantees job-ready skills in 21 days. But with determined effort, you can acquire the skills needed to excel in the ever-evolving tech landscape. To learn Python and to check out on our platform, get on keySkillset. You will get to experience all modalities of learning from audio/video, one-to-one tutorials, slides and simulation learning under one platform here.